Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Pay to Work Hard

This is what I would call body building as. Well, I did pay to work hard. Just joined gym day before. This is something which I Would classify as 'been there, done that' category. Somehow, the biceps dont seem to increase as I would want them to. So dont the chest as well as the triceps. Well, never stop trying...

The greatest surprise came to me when I met a fellow college mate there working out. I remembered him as a 150KG giant at the least, and viola, when I see him after one and a half years, he is probably about 70 odd kgs. I asked him the reason behind the wonder, "5-6 miles job every alternate day for the past one year was his answer". Then I realised that anything in this world is possible provided you put your heart and soul into it.

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